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Anne Porter

We are about to welcome a New Year with all of its endless possibilities! There is such beauty and such hope in a clean slate. What will we do with this opportunity, this gift?

Before we do anything, it might be wise to take a moment and pause. Pause for as long as it takes to know peace and think about what we would truly like to see for ourselves this year. Let's be intentional and realistic. I know that there are a million things that I would like to accomplish, but I also realize that I need to pick maybe one or two and focus on them if I want to be successful.

The gift in the pause is that it allows us to focus our attention on the here and now; to be fully present. If we can stop and just be, just listen for that still, small voice, we will know where to focus our attention in the coming year. The answers lie within us if we are able to slow down enough to listen and to hear.

We are all used to running and working at warp speed, so it may take a bit of work to get comfortable pausing, just being. Like anything though, practice makes perfect. So, start with just 1-2 minutes of silence a day whenever and wherever you can make space for it. Just listen. Just be. No expectations and no judgment. There is no right or wrong way to do this. Be faithful to the practice and if you are able, increase the amount of time you spend. You may begin to notice a new ease or a new calm. That is what can happen when we are able to get in touch with our innermost being. Our compass realigns and our course becomes more apparent.

May 2021 bring you great peace, joy, and good health!

Know that NAMI KDK is always here to help in any way that we can. Please feel free to reach out to us at 630-896-NAMI (6264) or

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